Loved one,
Will you
Stand back and stand by
While they prepare the camps
They tell you will be for the worst
And the most dangerous
But which will actually
Be used to extinguish
All the bright little lights
The ravening monsters are hungrily seeking?
Will you listen to my wailing
And the gnashing of my teeth
And bear mute witness
To the rending of my garments
My most precious creation screams my name
Arms outstretched and grasping
And I am unable to answer back?
Will the voice of the caller on the line
To the hotline
Be the very same one
That once soothed my anxious fears
And smoothed my furrowed brow
In my uncertain childhood?
Will you listen to the baying of the hounds
While still
Insisting you hear nothing
Even as they tear tender flesh from brittle bones?
Will you feel empowered by someone else's loss of power?
Will that someone else be me, loved one?
As always, thank you for blessing me with your time and attention spans, my friends. Much love to you one and all. I'm leaning into this whole writing through the drama shit. Please take care of each other and yourselves out there. It's one mean motherfucker of a world out there right now, but that doesn't mean we gotta follow suit. If you can go paid, please consider doing so. One time appreciation donations to help support me in my writing can be made at. As always, thank you for reading! ❤️
💸Cash App: $atxsupermom
Oof! I think I know exactly how you feel. 🫂 Yesterday was a rough one for me. I posted about it. My tarot cards talked me off the ledge.
I didn't have sobbing into my coffee on today's agenda, but here we are... ❤️