Hello my dear friends and readers! Today, I want to take a few moments and give some thanks to all of you fine people who have done so many fine and generous and kind things to help me and my children out during my time here on Substack.
This list of people includes the extensive list of people who pitched in on my TacoCat fundraiser. For those of you who don't know, TacoCat was a kitty that Alex rescued out of our yard and who was sickly and on death’s doorstep when he found her. Thanks to the dozens of people who responded with their kind donations of not only cat supplies, but donations of cold hard cash, we were able to get her well, get her fixed, and make her a permanent part of our family.
Then, there is an exhaustive list of kind people from here who have helped us out with a little extra cash added to my PayPal, sent grocery deliveries, covid tests and other assorted necessities when they knew we were having a tough time making ends meet.
, , , , , these are a few names in particular. Also one of my newer readers, Rick, who lives in Bandon and who stopped by my place yesterday to leave a gift of half a dozen Crumble cookies with $60 hidden in the box with those gooey treats. I'm sure there are more names, but if there is a name or two I've forgotten, please forgive me for that. My mentals are mental-ing at quite a mentally taxing speed these days, and I do currently suffer from etch a sketch head (turn it too far to one side and there goes everything!)I've tried at all times to publicly or personally extend my thanks to these people when they extended their help to us, but I know there have been a few times when I simply did not get around to publicly acknowledging every bit of assistance. I'm trying to get better at the whole gracious civility thing, so please bear with me. 😊
Today, however, I want to take a moment and thank a person who has recently done my children and I a great kindness, and someone who very much deserves to be publicly lauded.
, my friend who I met here on Substack. You see, Chaiah has read about my struggles with keeping my children adequately clothed and provided for. And she has lived some of that same reality her own self. She knows the struggle. So Chaiah reached out to me and asked for a list of what the kids needed, their sizes, etc and then, wonderful person that she is, she went online and she ordered a full wardrobe for BOTH of my sons.When I say a full wardrobe, I mean FULL. She got them everything from underwear and socks to pants, shirts, shoes, coats. Everything.
And it gets even better, my friends, because there was a mix-up, a crossed wire about Alex's correct size. So the first order was placed with incorrect sizes for Alex. Not a big deal, I figured. She had done us this great kindness and I figured that the least I could do was to figure out the returns and exchanges myself, to take that burden completely off her plate. Instead, she insisted that I take the clothing that was erroneously sized, and I find someone in our area who can use them. Then, she had Alex himself go to the website and complete his own shopping in his correct size, up to $300 (!!!)… To say that I am touched and honored by this generous gift would be to understate it by a great deal.
And so, I am here today to publicly extend to Chaiah my deepest and most sincere thanks. You have gone above and beyond and you have touched my heart as well as the hearts of my children. Thank you Chaiah. Thank you, also, all good and kind people of the world. Beautiful, generous people of Substack. I am forever blessed by my association with fine and decent friends such as yourselves.
Hello, and as always, thank you for reading. If you can, please consider going paid. It's only $5 a month or $30 a year. If not, no worries, as it will always be free to everyone. One time appreciation donations to help support my writing can be made at either:
PayPal: atxsupermom@gmail.com
Cash App: $atxsupermom
Have a wonderful day, my friends, and please find a way to bring a smile to someone else's face today. Take care of yourselves out there as well. Let's continue to build the world that we want to see around us, one piece at a time. Peace ✌🏼
bPNWc 😻
This post just filled my heart. Thank YOU for your lovely words and the pics of your boys in their new duds. Wow!!!!
Love the fashion show pics.